An allegory for love
An allegory for love
Jocko & George, Dauphin Island, AL
Jocko & George, Dauphin Island, AL
 ​The locals fly by.  The boat rests in the background.  The pools that were created in between tides trapped shrimp and were excellent places to gather them for bait.
Gas rig fishin'
Gas rig fishin'
A regular sight
A regular sight
 ​A shrimping boat with the Dauphin Island Bridge in the background.
Best seat in the Gulf
Best seat in the Gulf
 ​Horseshoe Crab shell.
Osprey Sanctuary
Osprey Sanctuary
Weather on the ocean
Weather on the ocean
Lone buoy
Lone buoy
 My point of view off at the bow.
Anchor Man
Anchor Man
A fish's point of view
A fish's point of view
Speckled Trout
Speckled Trout
 The rich colors of a shrimping boat as we cruise up Bayou La Batre for lunch.​
On the menu
On the menu
Basket of goodness
Basket of goodness
A perfect lunch
A perfect lunch
 Just past 2 on a Tuesday.  I would have rather been nowhere else.​
 Georges boat paddle hand can barely contain one of the largest crawfish I've ever seen.  Perhaps it was really a baby lobster.​
 Two handsome devils.  A fantastic boat captain, in lieu of the water or fresh Chilton County peaches he was offered, George ran exclusively on beer. ​
 A distilled view of that part of the gulf: seabirds, shrimpers, gas rigs.​
A social scene
A social scene
 ​This fellow was fishing at the mouth of Bayou La Batre.  He was carrying on a fascinating conversation...with  someone .
Back at George's...
Back at George's...
Fresh Catch
Fresh Catch
Blue Heron
Blue Heron
Sea Bell
Sea Bell
 ​End of the trip, the weather had moved in.  It was time for a grouper sandwich and a Red Strip at the best - and one of the only - shops in town, the Ship & Shore.
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